Getting down to brass tacks about content marketing

Short and sweet answers to 24 top content marketing questions

Despite all the discussion online and off about content marketing, are you still wondering where to begin and why? Maybe you haven’t yet come to terms with the concept of giving away your company knowledge free of charge to win over customers and prospects?

Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute, addresses 24 of the top content marketing questions he routinely gets. He doesn’t wax philosophical.  He cuts to the chase in (generally) fewer characters than a Tweet.

Not that content marketing is so simple that you can learn everything you need to know from just 24 questions and answers.  Still, I think Pulizzi does a great job of addressing the basics, which could be quite valuable to those of you still at the starting gate and not off and running down the content marketing track.

Here are a few of my favorites among Pulizzi’s top 24:

How do I create more content?

You most likely have enough content. First look at stopping some things that aren’t working and reallocating those resources to quality content initiatives.

But my content is not in story-ready form?

True, most companies have content assets, but they aren’t in a compelling form. Hire or contract out a journalist, editor, or natural storyteller to help get those assets into shape.

Should I insource or outsource my content?

Most companies do both (content marketing research here). It doesn’t have to be either or, and there is no silver bullet. Find the resources necessary to get the job done. It will never be perfect, so don’t wait.

What is the difference between content and content marketing?

Content marketing must work to enhance or change a behavior. If it doesn’t, it’s just content.

Read them all in “24 Top Content Marketing Questions Answered in Less than 140 Characters”

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